Dental Aesthetics
Dental Aesthetics is a speciality within dentistry that solves problems related to oral health and aesthetic harmony.
This type of treatment presents visible changes usually in just a few sessions. Dental asymmetries can be fixed, interincisal diastemas can be closed and changes in colouring can be made, among others.
Within the field of aesthetics there is minimally invasive dentistry, which consists of carrying out a type of aesthetic restoration without the need to touch our completely healthy teeth.
Depending on the chosen treatment plan, all-ceramic veneers can be fabricated with the help of the laboratory technician. It is also possible to carry out practically immediate treatments with the help of the new restorative materials available in dental clinics.

In this type of treatment there is the possibility that the patient, by means of a study, can see the final result of the treatment before it is carried out.